Action begins on June 7, 2013 with the dance-theatre work “Anasfallo [dually translated to I_FEEL_INSECURE and I_ΜISTAKE]“ conceived, directed and choreographed by Tasos Bekiaris and written by Christina Mitropoulou. The first project is crowned with great success and the first goal of the group is pleasantly noted, which was the interaction of the audience with this work and, by extension, its acceptance as a new artistic point of view.
In November of the same year, the Michael Kakogiannis Foundation opens a new path for the group by inviting it to present the now renewed version of the play, as "Anasfallo" revised. The result is outstanding for both the Foundation and the group as all three performances’ tickets sold out and seats fill entirely.
In February 2014, on the occasion of the photography exhibition - inspired by the performance "Anasfallo" revised - by Petros and Konstantinos Sofikitis, entitled "Anasfallo", at the Michael Kakogiannis Foundation, LOAD presents a visual version of the play, taking over the opening of the exhibition.
From 2014 to December 2015, having achieved the initial objectives of a newly formed group, LOAD Dance Theatre's course of action takes on a didactic and experimental character. It results in the organisation of seminars which aim to teach and research on topics that contribute to its intellectual, emotional and artistic development for the following phases.
In July 2015, the founder of the group is offered to collaborate in the creation of a music and theatre performance entitled "Prison Ballad" by the rock band KollektivA, undertaking the artistic direction of the band. The "Ballad of Prison" is staged in January 2016 at the Michael Kakogiannis Foundation, and becomes one of their five best performances in Athens. Reviews in the print media and on the internet praise the uniqueness of the performance and the harmonious combination of movement, speech, music and emotions.
Alongside "The Prison Ballad" in 2016 LOAD selects people from different levels of involvement with dance - professional dancers, students in higher professional schools as well as amateurs for instance - to attend a six-month seminar cycle which includes seminar courses in contemporary dance, theatrical expression and psychodrama. In this effort, LOAD's founder includes distinguished professionals in each field, who in turn are invited to share their knowledge and experience to the formed group where appropriate. The seamless congruence between the significant heterogeneity of the group and the desire to communicate more widely "the connection between our everyday reality and the art of dance" leads to the performative presentation of the project entitled "Anthropos X Ψ [Human X Y]" in texts by Eleftheria Monastiraki at the Argo Theatre in June 2016, with choreographies signed by Tasos Bekiaris himself.
In May 2017, the LOAD team presents its next work, entitled “Sti[zo] - [dually translated to I_SET and WHAT[LIVE]”, at the Anesis Theatre. This performance is a bold visual art venture through the deconstruction of movement, while creating images that built the plot of the piece in an inventive and unexpected way.
In January 2018, the group performs “EPI_SKEPSI [dually translated to INVITATION and ON_THOUGHT]“, a work inspired by Charles Dickens' "Christmas story". This performance is an additional important step in the group's journey as it is the first-attempted deeper fusion of elements of dance theatre through a month-long training seminar.
Finally in September 2019, LOAD Dance Company creates the amateur LOAD Dance School in Athens, with the aim of teaching the experiences of the school's directors on this art.
All of the above describes in a few lines the desire, passion and brief actions and efforts of the founder Tasos Bekiaris and his collaborators to communicate their own ideas and proposals for that human dimension that has eternal extensions and is called "art", rightly euphemised as "culture".